Pictures drawn by Murray James Pullar in answer to his grandchild's questions about the war (WW2)

1. My first day in army camp

2. Warradale camp

3. 2/3 M Gun Battalion Embarked for M.E.

4. Hill 95 Palestine 4:30 am

5. Fort Khayyam, Syria

6. Sleeping in the Ibble Saki Cemetery

7. Syria 1941

8. On way to Harbush

9. Harbush

9A. On the move



11. After the Syrian campaign

12. Golf. Gazera sports club

13. Mount Lebanon

13A. On the road to Damascus. Syria 1941


15. Jap attack at Leuwiliang Road, Java

15A. Expecting to return to Australia

16. Java P.O.W. camp May 1942

17. Off to Singapore

18. On my way to the Thai jungle


19A. Japenese P.O.W. camp Thailand

20. 4:30 am start of working party on the railway

21A. Hintok camp work sight

21B. The start of the Hintok "hell fire cutting"

22. Me sick

23. WW2 is over


Murray James Pullar 13 May 1918 - 26 August 2012

One of Murray's brothers, Frank Pullar